Sunday, January 11, 2015

Je Suis Juif, Je Suis Charlie

50 world leaders, and tens, maybe hundreds of thousands, marched in solidarity with the French cartoonists and Jewish civilians, slaughtered by radical Islamists. You will notice that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Palestinian leader Abbas, marched to either side of French President Holland. Not present? Our own President, the so-called leader of the Free World. His lame-duck, racist Attorney General was supposed to be our representative, but he was nowhere to be seen in the very extensive coverage.

What message did we just deliver to the rest of the world? That we don't care, that we are above it all, that we don't perceive a threat? Or maybe that some in our leadership might even sympathize with the goals of the terrorists? Outrageous? Sure, but there aren't too many other interpretations to be applied to this appalling lack of solidarity displayed by our leadership.

Despite this dangerous embarrassment, the rally gives me more hope for the future than I've had in a long time. Presently, Europe is well on the path to become Eurabia, due to lax immigration and policing (not to mention individual firearm) policies. There is every chance of a recapitulation of the Holocaust under the brand of Radical Islam. But today, this very day, maybe, just maybe, Europe has awakened to its deadly trajectory, and along with the rest of the world, might just take steps to reverse the trend. Maybe, just maybe, those who died did not do so in vain, but gave their lives to awaken the world to the reality of these monsters:  they murder Jews because they are Jews, they murder cartoonists because they are "offensive," they wish to silence any dissent, they hope eventually to conquer and "fundamentally transform" the entire planet.

Maybe, just maybe, we will see a reversal of the "no-go" neighborhoods. Maybe we will see a denial of institution of Sharia law within these ghettos. Maybe we will see the realization that Israel is being demonized based on lies from those who would destroy her and her people. Maybe there will be an understanding that anti-Semitism is a harbinger of the anti-West, anti-Colonial, anti-freedom agenda of these vermin, which has been adopted by the aging Marxist revolutionary wannabes that make up much of the Left in this and other Western nations.


This is a war, not simply for territory or for treasure, but for our very souls.

There is only one response:

"Je Suis Juif, Je Suis Charlie"

Friday, January 09, 2015

Apple Watch Clone?

I will probably be one of the first in line for the Apple Watch, at least if it can be ordered online. Supposedly, the grand release will come in March, with pricing ranging from $350 for the aluminum sport flavor to $5,000 or more for the gold "Edition" version. I'll probably go for the $500 steel on steel version:

Even though the darn thing hasn't even been released yet, there are manufacturers in China who have already cloned the look and feel, if not the mini iOS experience, and you can be the first on the block to have an Apple Watch, or at least something that looks like one:

A few reporters have had a chance to play with what may or may not be the same clone, and were not terribly impressed. Apparently the fake, I mean the AW08 Bluetooth Smart Watch, runs some form of Android, and was a little unstable. Oh, well.

If you are so inclined, this little fellow is available from for only $48.36 with free shipping from Guangdong via Singapore Post. Actually, there are almost 200 of these listed with AliExpress. Get yours before Apple does something about it.