Sunday, January 31, 2010

FREE iPAD! Really!

Through extensive research, I have found a site giving iPAD away for free!  Yes, folks, it's true.  Would I lie to you?  Of course not!  Click THIS LINK for details. 

Oh, wait, you thought I meant a free Apple iPad?  Oh, sorry, silly me, I can't get that for free.  It isn't even for sale yet!  It seems that Stanford offers its iPAD software free to the radiologic community, at least those who have Mac's and use OsiriX.  From Stanford's BIMM (Biomedical Image Metadata Manager) website:

iPAD is an annotation tool for radiology images, to make the semantic content (the meaning and other key metadata) explicit and machine-accessible. iPAD, a plug-in to the popular OsriX image viewing workstation, implements the AIM standard (Annotation and Image Markup) of the caBIG project. The problem iPAD addresses is the medically-important content in images--the anatomy, radiology findings, and quantitative features, are not recorded in a way that machines can access the information--they are either in graphical overlays or in unconstrained text in the DICOM header.
With iPAD, we can store and share information about image anatomy, visual features, and quantitative assessments in a computable format. The user draws an ROI on the image, and then types into the iPAD, recording the observations and anatomic location information. Behind the scenes, iPAD records all this information in the AIM format (XML). This can then be stored in a database or serialized to DICOM-SR.
Here is what it looks like:

Not bad for the price, if you happen to need something like this. 

I'm guessing iPAD won't work with the soon-to-be available OxiriX for iPad.

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