In case you wanted the lyrics to the Prosty song, I have provided them for you below. Enjoy!
Prosty the Spokesgland
Is a prostate gland, we're told
Buried deep inside largely out of sight
He's ignored by young and old
Prosty the SpokesglandHow we hope that lump's benign
But it's hard to say
Cause the only way
To diagnose and treat is blind
There might just be some cancerIn that lump they found today
But we really can't be sure right now
Cause you can't trust the PSA
Prosty the SpokesglandSpreads the word on what we need
No more pokes and prods
No more biopsies
How about some imaging?
Prosty the SpokesglandIt's time that we all gave a damn
Cause we know he needs New technologies
Like a hi-tech Man-ogram
Lumpety lump lumpLumpety lump lumpLook at Prosty grow
Lumpety lump lumpLumpety lump lump
No more bending over so
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