Hi there. Just saw your April Fool's Day posting about Siemens and Disney. Since I'm with Siemens and you're a radiologist, I think we both can agree that it's pretty important that people get the right medical information from the Internet (or at least that they don't get the wrong info). With April Fools Day now over, we ask that you remove the false posting. I'd hate for consumers or the FDA to get completely inaccurate information about a topic as important as medical imaging. Look forward to your feedback. Esra Ozer, Siemens Corporation, New York
It is rather amusing that when Siemens has a problem, they approach me directly, with rational discussion. I find that refreshing, as compared to some others who simply don't like what I've said. Well, come to think of it, that unfortunate situation to which I'm obliquely referring occurred in part because one particular company was quoting my posts in reference to a competitor. But, we'll let bygones be bygones.
By the way, Siemens does indeed sponsor the "Spaceship Earth" ride, giving it the biggest ball(s) in the industry. And, for what it's worth, the feedback I've received on my totally fictional fantasy of Immersion Picture Archiving Communication And Control (IPACAC...anyone ever heard of ipecac?) suggests that there is interest in such a product. Any big companies want to pick up the, ummm, ball on this?
Thank you kindly for your understanding! Incidentally, if you want to experience Spaceship Earth virtually, have a peek at www.siemens.com/sse
all the best,
Is this what happens when you get as well known as you are? Anything you say seems to be subject to censoring. It would seem to me that a company with a good reputation could handle a bit of good natured jesting. Perhaps our reputation is to the point where people believe these things?
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