Wednesday, March 04, 2009

X-Box Jive

To Whom It May Concern:

Please fix this.


Love, Dalai

P.S. My partners are getting really, really, REALLY impatient with this problem. I'm being urged to be a little more explicit, but I'm trying hard to be good.


Anonymous said...

Simple, yet eloquently put.

Nice, Very nice.

Unknown said...

would this be what a PACS displays when a 3rd party app gives an image a second look, and fails?

Would the 3rd party App and the xray machine be sold through same vendor?

Unknown said...

If it helps - in our case, we found out from middleman that not all raw images were being sent, causing failure of entire study, and x's on all images. It was always the LCC, LMLO, and RMLO that failed...this happened a bunch. We disabled autopush on both modalities, and have had the techs manually push studies for 4 days now and have had no issues. Also noticed that neither room was FIFO'ing and the disk space was at 98%. We cleared studies off the machines and are now manually pushing from one room and autopushing from another, to see if that may have contributed to the issue. If you have had similar issues drop me a line at (arronramsey at gmail dot com)..would love to hear what you have done so I can have as much info as possible when I tell vendor what I think the issue is.

Anonymous said...

This problem is becoming common with Impax due to the fact that they do not fully support JPEG97 and most new modalities nowadays do. JPEG97 will store but not display

It also could be a problem with the particular cache that the image was retreived from. Possibly the MVF AUTOPILOT task ran and cleared the the file but not the database entry (orphans).

Other possibilites are that you were attempting to view wavelet images and no wavelet was available.

Finally, maintenance (during uptime) on the Impax cache config can intermittantly cause this problem.

Trust me, your Agfa person doesn't like it when this happens as well...

You should definitly report these problems to the PAC's support group (as much as a pain as it can be); sometimes they are not aware of a problem until it is reported.