Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Day In The Life Of A PACS Administrator

Absolutely hilarious, and totally true. Especially the part about the radiologist. At least that what my PACS administrator tells me!


John Evers said...

I'm glad you liked it Doc! I stand by the claim that everything I had the radiologist say in this video was a true story that a real rad actually said to me.

John Evers.

Anonymous said...

I'm happpy that you understand the pressure the PAC's group can be under.

Definitely, some of these was blown out of proportion but there are definitely a lot of factual examples of "the day in the life of pac's"

As an Agfa CSS I can attest to some of the requests... on an average (no problems) day the bulk of the requests are to re-verify, split, or delete exams.

Other requests include feature enhancements suggested by the radiologists which we then submit to development and wait for their verdict.

Also, PAC's can be a 24x7 job.... I've worked on vacations multiple times! It's the nature of the business... one of not always happy about but definitely understanding of the situation