- It only allowing two measurements on screen at any one time
- All caps and a space after the comma are required for searches; without these elements, you are informed that there are no matching studies.
- There is very slow refresh on manual cine'ing through linked studies
- No 3D.
They listened very politely, and didn't even laugh. That's the good news. The better news is that whines 2 and 3 are supposed to be fixed in Centricity 2.1, and we will at least be allowed to demo a 3D package, the long-awaited port of AW software. The number of measurements on a screen problem may take a while, however.
Now dear Dalai has nothing to offer but his credibility. I don't just bash because it's fun (although sometimes it is fun), but when I hit a brick wall with a product (or an airline), I can at least vent here on the blog. I promised my visitors that I will accurately relate any and all fixes to my problems. The flip side of course is that I will accurately report if things don't get fixed. I mentioned my blog (even I have to have a little pride), and you should have seen their faces....
"YOU'RE the Dalai Lama?????"
Really, I thought everyone at GE knew. Maybe they were expecting someone better looking. But wait, my photo is over to the left... Oh well, there goes my hiding. Maybe I need a new identity.....how about "Beelzebub's PACS Blog?"
you spent a trillion dollars or so on a big PACS vendor with no 3D
we have a small vendor's PACS out of Utah and they have included Voxar an excellent and easy to use (as easy as Vitrea) 3D recon program
I think we win....................
That's really a funny story, but the only bad thing is that you don't take a picture of their faces. That will be hilarious.
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